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The Vision of Unity heals inner battles, conflicts, and split perceptions. It shows that, even when we feel fragmented on Earth, our Source essence is always at one. Like a healing balm, this knowledge heals our wounds so that we can feel this Unity on Earth.

Have you been in two minds, doubtful or undecisive? Open your Heart to receive a vision of Unity, an insight that transcends the conflicts of the mind. This vision descends when we are not chasing answers so that we can truly be open to new inspiration.

If you feel fragmented by energy from the old paradigm, ask your guides to help you to resolve these issues with ease and grace. This card tells you that you don’t need a long path of working things out, because you are ready to let go of these old contracts.

Osjećate li se obaveznim ili odgovornim za tuđe putovanje? You can now step away from this Soul Path with its karma, vows and contracts. You don’t need to wait more lifetimes to live in Joyous Freedom!

See or visualize your guides before you, working on an etheric level. Together, you clear out the old energy so that you can take your next step in openness. Pogledajte kako se ovaj prostor srca otvara s puno radosti i zahvalnosti.

Allow this Vision of Unity to integrate in your mental, emotional and physical body now. Udahnite ovo svjetlo Izvora i dopustite mu da dotakne i aktivira svaku stanicu u vašem tijelu. Osjećajući to iznutra, Vizija se spušta na Zemlju. Neka ovo dirne vaše Srce i neka vodi vaše postupke u svakom pogledu.


- Usredotočite se na svjetlo

- Pravo vidjeti

- rješavanje problema iluzije

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- Jasno viđenje

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“Dopuštam svojim očima da vide, mojim očima Istine. I am not that which I see, I am that by which I am able to see, which is aware consciousness.”

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