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The New Man – Card Description

Have you felt stuck in a society that clings to gender roles, politics, religion, and a linear way of thinking? As the New Human, you are enlightening this society, liberating your culture by example. Patience, compassion and trust are important in this process.

Discovering your Lemurian origin, you saw through the eyes of a new-born, starting the path of a spiritual awakening. What’s next after discovering your Source, how can you develop and integrate your realization? The awakened children of Lemuria are growing up, and The New Man is an important potential of the Lemurian Starchild, a potential that is now starting to activate. This next step in human potential is to align your whole life with your spiritual nature.

See your path of growth, your spiritual initiation. There is nothing that can stop you if you embrace, but don’t cling to, your childhood. Perhaps you have felt at times that there is a comfort in not knowing, that there is a bliss in ignorance. For the New Human that you are becoming, it is time to access your wisdom and your guidance, your innate state of mastery.

Know that in the process of maturing, nothing is lost because you remain in touch with your Inner Child. The ignorance of the traditional man is their denial of emotion, the denial of their Inner Child. This false idea of masculinity pervaded modern culture and brought a split in the minds of men. The same split has played out within the spiritual community disconnecting higher self and lower self, and the spiritual and material worlds.

Do you feel stuck in your head at times? It could be the Old Man in you, the man of tradition. When the Old Man reads about Inner Child Teachings, he might find they only stimulate the mind, he might feel he already knows. The true Inner Child is symbolic for your creativity, for your true expression and for your rejuvenation. The Inner Child is beyond the logical mind, which cannot comprehend this wisdom through its trickery, because it’s about a deep heart connection.

Emotions can be strong sometimes, making you feel like a leaf in the wind. The mastery of the New Human is to be in touch with their emotions, yet not governed by them. The more you acknowledge, feel and make space for your emotions, the quicker the New Human in you arises. The New Human carries a feeling of certainty, even within the sea of emotions.

Through the conditioning of society, you might have been wired to dominantly think with the logical part of your brain. This way of thinking, and not feeling, has become habitual for many people. Yet this wiring can be changed, because it only remains in place through habit. The New Human attunes to feeling, through guidance and intuition.

(The New Man is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)

- Enlightened Masculine

- Potential

- New Earth

“The New Human is arising, and The New Man is a facet of this Human of Light.

As a Human, my relationship with the Masculine is changing. I allow my Inner Masculine to be nurtured and the New Man to be supported through the Divine Feminine, because a big leap is coming up for him. At times, he might need space to process intense emotions, because of old identities falling away.

As a Man, this card signifies that I am bringing through this new energy. I might also mentor someone who is becoming this light for the New Earth.”

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The New Man – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card

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