- Take the Next Step
- Let go of the Old Paradigm.
- Evolutionary Leaps.
- Know you are Creator.
The stepping stones lead us from one insight to the next in evolutionary leaps, jumping between levels of expansion, joy and heart-opening. They show us that we need to leave behind all that we’ve learned to be open to something new, and then to integrate and synthesize all the different steps that we’ve taken.
Can you be guided by vortices of light, by following your joy? You are invited to let go of everything, and take a leap to the next place. Perhaps it is a new relationship, changing location or letting go of old emotions. This card encourages you to put down old baggage and to go to the next stepping stone, to take a leap of faith.
Drawing this card means that you are ready for the next step, which is a shift in paradigms. All the skills that you have mastered so far have helped you greatly on your path, but to go further, you need to open up to something new. Don’t hold on to past knowledge, because it will keep you stuck!
Does the stepping stone in front of you look slippery, not like a good foundation? This is because they are outside of your comfort zone. The stones invite you to jump, and also the giants who are their creators now start to speak to you.
The giants tell you how they could mold the stones as if they were dough, and put them in the right places. In this way they have created paths of light across the Earth, which many see as natural formations. When you look closer at these formations, you can see stepping stones, bridges and shelters, paths that lead to vortices of light.
Your stepping stones lead you across a river, and at the other side a dragon of light is waiting for you. Yes, following the stepping stones leads to elevation and ascension, to a new paradigm of light that wasn’t available on the ground floor. The dragon shows you higher octaves of light, thinner atmospheres from which you can oversee those who are Earth-bound.
This loving dragon is light family from Lemuria, who tells you about all the different stepping stones of humanity. For every setback, there has also been a great expansion, but on the New Earth these setbacks are no longer needed.
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