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- Guidance from the Stars

- Galactic Self

- Unified Field

- Constant and Permanent Divine Guidance

- Oneness

“I am connecting with the stars, receiving divine guidance. In my dreams, I receive this energy and travel through space in my light-body. I know this connection, even if I've ignored it.”

Are the stars waking you up at night, so you receive their information? These transmissions are reactivating your affinity with the stars and awakening your DNA!

The stars are speaking to you. They are speaking about ancient times, ancient yet new. Time is only a linear construct, maintained by consensus. Let the stars speak to you, receive their messages.

The stars are telling you about your purpose on Earth, your purpose of compassion. Be guided by beings of light from the stars, by angels and guides from other star systems and planets.

Many get inspiration when they look at the stars, because they receive cosmic radiation. Even visualizing the stars can bring in this universal energy.

In the timeless times that you called ancient, you were sending out this star-energy yourself. You can still see this light when you look at the stars, because you travelled to the Earth faster than the speed of light. So now you are seeing and receiving your own beautiful light, dear one, the light that signifies the divine blueprint of your heart.

Connect to this light, for it is your true essence, it speaks to you about your purpose on Earth. You are receiving the cosmic energy, and then expressing it through your physical vessel. Allow this beautiful process for it aligns you with your divine purpose.

There is much changing on the Earth, sometimes in tumultuous ways. Your brothers and sisters from the stars would be overjoyed to guide you through these passages of density. Would you like to strengthen your connection with the stars, to hear the guidance more and more, and to see and feel your Family of Light?

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