Being a parent of Star Children
Do you know children who love to look at the stars, who are quite different and might perhaps zone out from their surroundings at times? Do you feel like you’re trying to communicate with someone from a different planet? These Star Children can do spiritual work in many dimensions simultaneously, such as multidimensional healing and energy work for the Earth. At the same time, the human world might confuse them.
Your job is to support them to bring their Cosmic work in balance with their Earthly work through love and compassion. They have chosen to come to Earth to bring their light, however they might feel hesitant at the same time. You can help them to feel safe on the Earth, a planet which can seem harsh for them compared to higher realms.
Imagine that you are in Lemuria, coming into your first incarnation on Earth. You were welcomed by the devas, the Elven Ones, the dolphins and many other beings, who reassure you that your presence is in full alignment. Can you give this same welcome to others? Starchildren and Star people are visitors that need to be welcomed on Earth so that they feel they belong here.
If a child likes to space out and disconnect from you, then you might want to find ways to bring them back. The heart connection that they are longing for might be found in nature, in a kind interaction or in music. Affirm their clairvoyant insights, and also clarify that other children might not see things in the same way.
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Source: 1. Cosmic Heart Source
- No Veils
- Psychic
- Different
- Cosmic Inspiration and Light.
- Extra-terrestrial
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“I am a Guide for Starseeds, directly or through distant energy healing.”
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