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- Beam up your vibration

- Open to your Star Family

- Sacred Geometry

“Ships of Light, like glowing Mandalas of Sacred Geometry, remind me of my inherent Divine Harmony, my Unlimited Nature and my Oneness with the Universe.”

In Lemuria you felt like a being of the Earth, but you often had your eyes fixed on the sky. You knew of the meaningful messages when you watched the stars at night. Can you remember the Lemurian messages when you watch a starry sky? If you get shivers of amazement, if you feel the simplicity of being, then you are remembering Lemuria.

The Lemurians were able to receive multidimensional messages by simply feeling. They didn’t have the same concepts of stars; they opened their hearts to the starlight. When a lightship showed itself, they didn’t know how it worked, but they felt the benevolence and simply received the multidimensional messages.

Have you connected to Ships of Light too, or would you like to connect? To travel in a ship of light, you need to open your senses in the way of the Lemurians. Are you able to simply receive an experience without over-analyzing it? If you find this difficult, then know in your heart that joy is your natural state as a Lemurian Starchild, as is an awareness of yourself as consciousness without limitation.

Imagine that you are in Lemuria, and you are falling asleep under the stars. Your senses are open, and you can feel the grass you are lying on, you can sense a soft breeze with your skin. You can feel your breath in your body as you are going into dreamtime.

Beautiful lights appear above you, and as you enjoy them, a door of light opens. In your light body, your etheric form, you travel towards the ship. There you meet your family of light; you greet cosmic beings from outer space. They show you the different rooms in the ship, and you telepathically reconnect to beings of many dimensions.

Allow the ship to travel through the universe so that you can receive many cosmic frequencies, and you can raise the vibration in many locations. Allow your consciousness to expand so that it encompasses the whole ship, so that you feel how you are travelling, with all of your senses.

When you look back on Earth, you can see many timelines: Lemuria, the Old Paradigm and the New Earth. Dear one, can you see the perfection of it all, the sacred geometry? Do you feel ready to go back to Earth, or would you rather live on another planet? You are asked to take this perfection back to Earth to bring the joy of Lemuria there. This is where the cosmic frequencies can integrate in your physical body for the highest good of all.

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