Upgrade for card pictures
- Telepathy
- Co-creation
- Communing
- Honoring
- Christ Consciousness
- Peaceful Shared Space
- Release judgment
- Opportunities for new ways of relating
- Healing relationship wounds
- Honor other AND self.
“Lemurian relationships are based on communion, not just with other people but with all of life.”
In the Eden of Lemuria, it was normal to commune telepathically through a process of ‘coming alongside’ things, from crystals to an expanse of grass, or even a patch of mold. Lemurians see life as an equally shared experience, with countless opportunities to co-create following principles of beauty and harmony, and through co-operation, care and honoring.
Like in these Lemurian times, you are once again beginning to consciously connect with your loving Source and Oneness more and more, and as you raise your vibration, you are bringing much healing love and light into your aura. This connection is helping you to release the old paradigm energies, patterns and thought-forms that no longer serve you. Ask yourself, have you recently noticed some old patterns re-emerging based on such thoughts and beliefs, almost making you feel like you’re not yourself sometimes?
In letting go of all the old beliefs which do not align with the Love of Source, and through allowing that healing love and light to enter into you completely, you will start to see and know things differently from your new perspective of love.
On your journey into Source, as you let the Love seep in deeper, you will be given richer and richer experiences of the interconnectedness of all creation. You will also be able to see beyond all veils of separation. Through opening your heart, you may have already had experiences of communing at a very deep level with all life, perhaps not only in the manifest world but also on the inner planes. Drawing this card indicates that you are on this beautiful path of sharing sacred space.
As you let go of the old conditioning, you will start to see everyone as your brothers and sisters, as in Lemurian times. All the old man-made hierarchies and separation tools will dissolve in the light of your expanded consciousness. You will be able to sit in a blissful shared space of love and conscious communion with others who are also awake to this deeper vision of life, which you will share with those still caught up in the drama of the old paradigm.
Do you sometimes still get hooked into those old dramas? In time you will be able to hold the light and stay true to the deeper truths; no longer will you find yourself pulled into acting in an unhelpful or mindless way. As you venture further along this path of remembering, you will likely meet with perfect opportunities to root out your deepest core beliefs—your own drama hooks.
What are the recurring triggers that take you away from your inner peace? In your closest or romantic relationships, you may be meeting these potentials for deep healing. As your love and connection deepens, do you notice that insecurities and childhood fears come forward? Whatever arises in you or your beloved, just notice, be curious, and remember to breathe through it!
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