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The Sacred Mountain tells of the journey of vision and purpose. Energy vortices and resonant caverns are calling you, for they are spaces that bring clarity to the mind, even when it is overthinking its linear processes. The Sacred Mountain is a sanctuary of deep peace which cannot be affected by emotional turmoil.

Lemurians know of the power of the mountain and see it as a place of sacred ceremony. It is a place of great harmony, insight and energy healing, and also a gathering place to initiate new projects, and to celebrate new relationships.

Can you feel the renewed sense of purpose, the higher vision that is received in your pineal gland? It activates the wisdom that is already in your heart, so give it attention to let it emerge. Connect to the Sacred Mountain to integrate this vision of wisdom in your conscious awareness.

Are any worries in your heart, any residues of the Old Paradigm? By going on a vision quest you will leave them behind, because the mountain will take them from you. New energies are coming your way, follow the trail of these energies for they lead you to the Sacred Mountain.

The air is thin on the Sacred Mountain, and free of thought-forms that can distract you. Therefore, this journey helps you to connect to your heart and to face your demons. The Sacred Mountain is happy to take your demons from you and to give you visions of high-vibrational truth in return. Such is the generosity of this mountain being.

Are you a warrior, do you want to conquer the mountain? For you, there are times when you need to surrender to the Universe, so that nature can do its work. Nothing is asked from you in this process, except to open your hands to let go and receive. Release your previous identities, for you are destined to go beyond them on the Sacred Mountain.

Through this process, you are finding a deep heart connection within and without. Now you are in your Cosmic Light, manifesting a new life from your Creator Consciousness.

- Vision Quest

- Clarity and Truth

- Shambhala

- Deep Healing

- Supporting Earth’s Ascension

- Healing the Unconscious

“As I am welcomed onto the healing slopes of the Sacred Mountain, I am invited also to remember Shambhala, my crystalline home.”

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