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Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies – Card Description

Pleiadian Beings of Light are reaching out to connect to us in a space of Love and Truth, to make themselves known again. Enter into their vibration to be lifted up to a higher reality, a dimension of peace and healing.

You have drawn this card because you are ready to be nurtured by the activation of your cosmic remembrance. You have the ability to access your akashic records so that you can remember your natural affinity with the Pleiadians from times before their information became suppressed.

Allow the Pleiadians to raise your vibration and to bring in light codes which transmute your DNA. They attune the vessel for the human of light to walk on the New Earth, just like they facilitated the Lemurians of Eden.

Many participated in the Divine plan of bringing the Lemurian Heaven on Earth. The Pleiadians were welcomed into Lemuria in etheric dreamtime before its physical manifestation. They brought their consciousness in the Lemurian realm, which was a very joyful event, a celebration of light. The Lemurians were infused with cosmic love, with Light Language of creation. This set a series of events in motion, so that Heaven could descend onto Earth.

The Pleiadians brought great wisdom to the Lemurian consciousness, a crystallization of the Divine Plan. They knew how a physical vessel for the human of light could be created, because they once walked the same path. The Pleiadians were once star-seeded themselves by other star races. They were in much joy to pass on the Divine Knowledge of activating the physical body.

The Pleiadians and the Lemurians gave each other much faith in the star-seed process. In Divine synchronicity, the Pleiadians and other star beings came to Earth to prepare for Lemuria. They cleared old energy from earlier civilizations, and created beautiful vortices of energy, and spaces for elemental beings and Elves.

Many beings helped to prepare for the upcoming evolutionary leap. The Arcturians raised the vibration of the planet. The Elven Ones created divine structures within nature, in co-operation with the Sirians, to prepare a welcoming Earth environment. Many animals, plants and minerals emerged to complement and welcome the prospective Lemurians.

(Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)

- Sacred Bond

- Healing Clears Space for Higher Energies

- Nurture with Gentle Music, Flowers and Crystals

- Healing the lower bodies clears space for Higher Energies

“The Pleiadians remind me of my Source vibration, the Cosmic Heart Source, to clear old energy and heal old wounds.”

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Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card

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