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Opening the Heart – Card Description

The Heart of Lemuria embraces all hearts, including ones that are hurting from the past, and ones that are closed due to mental focus. This embrace invites a natural opening, while Lemurian wisdom shows that the Heart has both a human and a cosmic aspect.

Has your heart been put to the test? If you feel betrayed in matters of the heart, then know that you are not alone, for many face this issue in their lives. Replenish yourself with the divine light to find the courage to open again. You can access your Cosmic Heart Source through the support of your loving angels and guides, including Lemurians and Pleiadians. Sometimes you need to attune deeply to this resource, and this is especially confirmed if you have also drawn the Cosmic Heart Source card.

Do you feel that life has treated you unfairly? Know that you have been properly prepared for the initiations on your path here. Your heart has been nurtured with much light in Lemuria and on the Pleiades, to become a very courageous heart indeed. In this lifetime, it is put to the test, for there has never been a period like this on Earth.

Does it feel safer to close your heart amidst the turmoil? You might get this message from the mind, from the voice of fear. When your heart is not open, you cannot fully live. Release your insecurities and your judgments of others, and be open to life. You might have to face hurts and issues when you open your heart, but you will also be open to love and to the grace of God that nurtures your Human Heart.

Your Cosmic Heart, in turn, is also nurtured through your human experiences. In Divine Consciousness, you have chosen your purpose and everything that it entails. By surrendering to the Divine Plan, you relieve yourself and others of any and all pressure for situations to be different.

Know that your heart is strong, and it can heal even if it’s hurting from past betrayal. You can face this betrayal, knowing that it was a necessary unfoldment within the Old Earth Story. The Lemurian Template allows you to return to the state of Eden within your heart. Within this oneness energy, you can feel how everything is perfect and in harmony. By allowing your hurts to be felt and healed within a loving space, you will ultimately return to this state of perfection, and it will be like nothing ever went off course.

“But how can I forgive?”, you might ask. Dear one, the Cosmic Heart Source, your Divinity, negates the ego. By seeing the illusion of the ego, you realize that all ignorance stems from mistaken identity. You see your enemy’s true essence, and therefore they are no longer your enemy. Allow this Truth, which you can realize on a Cosmic Level, to seep into your Human Heart. The more you attune to this etheric level, the more this loving truth starts trickling down to become grounded in your being.

(Opening the Heart is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)

- Right to Love and be Loved

- Heart Healing

- Healing Grief Issues

- Opening the Heart Chakra

Related Cards: Cosmic Heart Source, Inner Child Attunement

“Dear one, this card is an Invitation to open your Heart.”

“As I open to the Love that I am, the Love in everything shines back at me.”

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Opening the Heart – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card

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