Light Family – Card Description
Have you noticed the signs from your Family of Light? These angels and guides show you numbers, gestures and symbols to give you guidance. They give you colors, fragrances and reflections of light to make you feel loved, inviting you to connect to your Heart. Perhaps a bird starts to communicate with you, or you have a meaningful dream or vision that shows you the next step on your path of light.
You are invited to open your heart to your Light Family. You might feel let down by them or feel that they are demanding. Know that it is understandable that you bring your human emotions into the embrace of their unconditional love. Your emotions will be received with compassion because your Light Family loves you unconditionally, and they understand the suffering within the old paradigm.
Do you see your Light Family as higher than you, or do you feel you need to follow their orders? Know that the old religious paradigm doesn’t apply anymore because you are taking your place in the New Lemuria, which is based on the pristine templates of the first human incarnations into matter.
In their Edenic creation, the Lemurians received cosmic guidance from the Pleiadians who stimulated their evolution but refused to play the role of Gods. They knew that true wisdom cannot be taught through demands but is transmitted through love and freedom. Allow their wisdom to resonate with the innate wisdom which already resides within your own heart, which is the source of all wisdom.
Have you ever believed in one of the gods that humanity created? After the fall of Lemuria, the Gods that humanity worshipped were mostly masculine, mind-based and demanding. These mind-based deities are by no means your creator, they are the center of an illusion that is now collapsing. Along with the mind-created God, the distorted perception of Gods messengers is clearing away with the dawning of the New Lemuria upon the New Earth.
“How can I connect with Gods messengers, my precious Family of Light, beyond all workings of the mind?”, you might ask. The Pleiadians have an important message for you. These cosmic beings also had mind-based religion, but by evolving beyond the beliefs of the linear mind, their religion became multidimensional. It started to include heart wisdom, and the rigid rules and fear perceptions started to relax. Their religious buildings became places of heart devotion and self-inquiry. Your heart, too, can transform by letting go of beliefs of the mind. Question your assumptions about your Family of Light so your heart becomes a pure channel for their wisdom.
Do you need some guidance? Your family of light is here to guide you within, to show you divine wisdom and to give you the love of the whole universe. Never putting themselves above you, they always give from unconditional compassion and companionship. They encourage you to let go of limiting beliefs such as sacrifice, and to fully express yourself.
(Light Family is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)
- Signs
- Guidance
- Innate and Ancient Wisdom
- New Blessings
- Divine Initiations
“I allow the angels to speak to me through the numbers on the clock and in many other ways.”

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Light Family – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card
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