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Lemurian Guide – Card Description

Auriel embraces every aspect of those she heals: the happiness, the sparkles, but also the past life wounds, and the lost inner children. She calls them home to the healing heart and to integration, to joy and creativity.

You have been close to Auriel many times, and through this card she invites you to reconnect now. Can you embrace all of existence, including any need for love and companionship you might have? Can you accept the outstretched hand from your Light Family, a hand filled with love and guidance?

She asks you to be in the flow, even if there is disbelief within you. You have a natural wisdom that tells you that you are worthy to receive the love that the universe has for you. Allow the divine to speak through this messenger, this guide and this friend, to comfort you, give you hope and to remind you that you are loved.

“I am Auriel, my name travels through the cosmos, travels with the speed of light. My name is infinite, is an energy, an energy of light. Be touched by this energy, this energy that does not belong to one tribe, one being, one civilization.

I am a dolphin of light, swimming through the vast oceans of Lemuria. I am your higher self, I am you in your lightest dimension of purity. I have come to you, our oceanic flows of life cross here because there are important messages to be given.

Allow yourself to be receptive, allow your heart to trust. I am not here to tell you what to do, not here to tell you where you are from. You are a child of the universe, a child of God. You are no less than Jesus or any of the enlightened masters. Yet you are also like a child, like an infant to be nurtured by the Universal Light Source of Love.

Yes, there are many words and no words to tell you who you are, where you are from. It is an energy, it is being, it is the Divine Feminine, the Love Source. You are like a young dolphin playing in the Oceanic Source, laughing and crying, joking and sometimes thinking. Yet you are also an elder, your age is undefinable, is non-existent.

(Lemurian Guide is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)

- Sister

- Friend

- Teacher of Infinite

- Universal Love

- Marriage of Elven and Angelic ones

- Divine Union

- Auriel

- Earth Angels.

I hear the beautiful word of Auriel:

“Let me remind you of your Truth, your Divine Origin, so that you may live blissfully from this moment on. My words are bubbles of eternal peace that will be around you to guide your process.”

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Lemurian Guide – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card

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