Upgrade for card pictures
- Forgive Self and Others
- Inner Reunion
- Let go of Defenses
- Open all the Doors Within
- Welcome the Fragments of You
- Mirrors
“As I Collect the pieces of myself together, each in a space of deep angelic love and forgiveness, I begin to see my true beauty and wholeness shining back at me”
“I realize that I am Whole. I am One”
In Lemurian Eden, you were completely whole, and this is the oneness of the New Earth that you return to. This wholeness deepens each time you embrace a distressed part within and bring it to the crystalline light of Truth and Integration. Aligning with the Divine allows you to easily connect to your gifts and abilities, and to share them freely.
You have drawn this card because there are parts of yourself, conscious or unconscious, that are asking for your attention. Do you feel confused about the way you feel or act? Or a bit distant from your own life, as if you are not completely in your body? Meet fragmented parts within, heal them so they can join the true frequency of your Earthly and Cosmic origin.
Have there been moments in your life where your dreams were shattered, like a mirror breaking in a thousand pieces? You might look up in estranged confusion if someone tells you that every piece of this mirror can in fact bring deep peace into your heart. But slowly, little by little, you start to open to a new message, even though it is difficult at first to let go of the grief and the suffering.
Mirrors are symbolic for your self-image, which can be fairly accurate if you are given enough love, or inaccurate if you are given blame and projection. For some children, their self-image is unfortunately shattered many times, and when they become more mature, they start to collect the pieces.
Dear one, do not be afraid of the pieces of the old mirror that you might find. Every piece is in fact a cherished treasure, cherished by your family of light, your angels and guides. The Lemurian and Pleiadian guides have long been waiting for you to pick up the pieces again, they have been caring for them, so that you could find them and integrate them once more into your life.
Which energies and aspects are presenting to you for healing? Are you seeing the victim, the unloved one, the one who was blamed for no reason? Do some of the pieces of the mirror reflect the rebel, the warrior in you? Allow these aspects to come and sit with you, to have an imaginary cup of tea. Connect to your inner child, allow it to play, and then bring love and clarity attuned to the age of each part.
Allow the lost pieces in you to connect to your family of light and give each of them a guardian angel. Their guardian angel will nurture them and give them the love and light that they never received. In each piece, each reflection of yourself you can see things that are weighing down, heaviness that is ready to go. Allow their guardian angel, with the help of all Lemurian and Pleiadian guides, to take this heaviness away.
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