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“I embrace the Divine Power of the indigo color, knowing that I can move mountains. I initiate each step within my Heart, in full Source Alignment”

Being the Parent for an Indigo

The Indigo Child brings transformative colors, with new ways for the New Earth. They fit into many different groups but they are always aware of their own identity as someone with mission on Earth. They use multidimensional abilities in practical ways, for example to get clairvoyant information about people and about their environment.

Do you know a child who challenges you, who wants to do things in a different way? They might be an Indigo, finding their identity through going against your flow. They have important work on the New Earth with their energy of transformation.

The strong-willed Indigo asks you for direction in subtle or obvious ways. Can you show them how to let go of ego and how to work together in constructive ways? They might know how to collapse the Old Paradigm, while they are not sure yet what to replace it with. Give them clues, even if they react against them.

Do you feel they are blocking out your guidance? Be patient, dear one. You are seeing a beautiful being who is anchoring his/her light on Earth by clearing out all that is in their way. They are hearing your guidance, even if it sinks in slowly.

Sometimes we learn through trial and error, and Indigos are no exception to this. They need to make mistakes to learn at times, so allow them to take their own path. Trying to force them to take an easier way usually makes them more stubborn.

As the parent of a child with an Indigo quality, your role is to hold their vision of light. They might know they are on a mission, but they are not always sure what it is. Ultimately, they realize that they are here to fully be what they already are on a very deep level. Their mission then becomes one with their life purpose: to live their heart’s truth in each and every moment.

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