- All are Invited
- 5th Dimension
-.New Earth
- Spirit in Matter.
- Close by.
- Frequency.
- Manifestation.
- Divine Potential.
- Life in Awareness of Oneness.
- Communing.
- Every Moment is an Invitation.
Imagine an Earth without suffering, an Earth where the Lemurian template has come to fruition. You have drawn this card because you are being asked to dare to dream.
It is not always easy to open your heart to grand visions, especially if you have been disappointed in life. Then please realize that this vision is not a plaster to cover your or anyone's pain, it is not an ideal to believe in. You are invited to open to this dream because you are a co-creator and you can play a part in the ongoing manifestation of the New Earth.
To assist in the manifestation of the New Earth, you first need to see it. Then you need to start living on the New Earth by manifesting it in your own life. You can do this by following your heart, by being in your own integrity. When you are living on the New Earth, you see everyone in their light, even though many are still in the old paradigm.
When you dare to dream big, you are creating a new reality not just for yourself, but for everyone. You are assisting a cosmic process of awakening, of spiritual evolution. The less ego you put in it, the more effective it is. Remember that you are supporting a natural flow without trying to save, fix or change anyone. This is the invitation to stay on a high vibration, which is a very rewarding challenge both for yourself and others.
In the divine flow of the New Earth, there are no more strict rules that you need to follow to grow spiritually. Those rules have always been an illusion anyway. You are always guided in the right direction, the direction that facilitates your spiritual evolution and the highest good of all.
There is much galactic and universal support for the New Earth manifestation. This unique time of shift has been foreseen by the elders, the stewards of the Earth. The Pleiadians co-created many ancient portals of high vibration which are re-activating now as they were originally intended to do. Please connect to these Pleiadian gifts beyond space and time, that were often created with Lemurian assistance, to receive a Cosmic Embrace from your family of light, a blessing for Heaven on Earth.
Allowing God into your Physical World
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Heaven on Earth
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