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The Ascension Heart within the Earth calls each of us to see beyond limitations, including pain and heartbreak. She activates the ascension organs in the body of each individual, allowing us to release the old paradigm.

Are there people you are not at peace with, or situations that you worry about or cling to? Inner Earth Beings guide you to the Heart of Ascension within the Earth so that you can review these situations in the light of a beautiful violet and rose-gold flame.

You might feel constrictions in your chest or your solar plexus in this process, which Inner Earth healers help you to release. They activate the Pineal Gland and the Thymus which emit ascension codes throughout your body.

The Inner Earth Beings, guides from the Telos city of light, invite you to step into the Flame of Ascension in the Heart of Mother Earth. “Would you like to release fear from the Heart, let go of old paradigm attachments?” they ask.

Some might feel hesitant to let go of the drama, or they see it as an essential ingredient of Love. Your guides from Telos show you their potential of unconditional love, which you are invited to embody now.

The ascension flame burns up ego and karma to bring you back to your natural state. You were bound to karma within the matrix of the old paradigm, but in the Heart of Ascension you can see that it was always an illusion, because you are no longer limited to the physical Dimension.

As you fully step into the ascension flame, you are completely transformed in the light. You remember who you are within this Heart, which allows for great healing. Your guides send a loving light that helps to heal the Inner Child which allows your Heart to open further.

- Expansion

- Love for All

- Playfulness

- Higher Heart

- Release the Past

- Freedom

- Joy

- Resolving childhood trauma

Related Cards: Expression, Light Language.

“Mother Earth gently shows me that I can relax now in the Heart of Ascension, that the gravity of the old paradigm can no longer affect me in any way.”

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