The appearance of the Phoenix signals great change on my path.
“Nothing feels stable, will my life go up in flames?” I ask the Phoenix.
The phoenix lovingly answers that things are not as they seem when we let go of the old paradigm comfort zone.
When you think about the future, do you worry only the ashes of your old life will be left soon? The Phoenix has flown from its perch on the Tree of Life to reassure you, and to give you a blessing. Rather than being destroyed in any way, you are going through a major transformation and renewal.
The Lemurians have always revered the Phoenix, embracing the power of renewal. This leader of the bird tribe gives a powerful spiritual blessing by taking away the burdens of the human mind. These ideas of limitation and the manifestations of fear were never a part of the original Blueprint and Creation of Lemuria.
Can you feel the Phoenix beside you when you feel alone in your spiritual work? Can you receive the love and safety under his wings? This love and safety is your birthright, your natural state. Let the feather of the Phoenix touch you for it could be a pen to write or draw with or a toy to play with for your inner child. The feather is a divine spark of love and inspiration.
As you look into the sapphire eyes of the Phoenix, he encourages you “Please take your decision now, my child. You are invited to be bold, not to hold back any part of your divine expression.”
- Radical Purification
- Use the Violet Flame
- Surrendering
- Resurrection
- Phoenix
Related Cards: Ether and Matter, Inner Child Attunement, The Key to your Freedom
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Fire of Transformation
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