- Attune to Subtle Energies
- Balance
- Frequency Holders.
- Signature Energies e.g. Crystals, Plants, Animals.
- Unique Gifts.
- Bringing Healing through Balancing Energies.
Lemurian Starchild, what energies do you surround yourself with? Do you feel grounding from natural objects that are around you? Do you feel a celestial quality in beauty you have manifested in your space? Or are your surroundings in a state of discord, are they a source of noise that keeps you away from your true purpose?
Would you like to be in a healing space? Perhaps you don’t need any radical changes, just a homeopathic dose of an essence of energy. By accepting this healing agent, you give your body physical and energetic instructions that it uses to heal itself.
You have drawn this card because the Divine would like to cleanse your energy so that more healing essences can come to you. The essences can help you to live in a gentle and nurturing space that allows you to open to divine peace and bliss. Through the healing properties of essences and energies you become increasingly independent of outside circumstances and anchored within your own heart.
This deck of cards is a heart-given gift of love and inspiration, to help you live in a gentle nurturing space of your own perfection and co-creation. To help you realize your potential and open you to a deep bliss and peace which defies understanding and transcends circumstances. Each card carries different essences and energies of the Love of the Divine.
Dear one, the energies you want to bring into your world, they are waiting to come in. Have no limits on them, no preconceived plan, no pre-packaged ideas. Your heart in its truth, offered with openness to the ever-present Love of your Loving Creator, will birth your Christed timelines.
So dear one, how joyful it is, for here we are, once again before the Throne of God, free to Be, in love, with life, with the Divine, with self and other. No attachment, bathed and surrounded by a sea of love. There are so many blessings here. Every particle pregnant and overflowing with potential. Sloughing of the old energies, with love and non-judgement, unveiling now, a divine moment of birthing, the true you, crystalline, shining and pure, in your Divine Glory.
Open your heart to this encouragement from the Divine within:
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Essences and Energies
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