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Cosmic Circles – Card Description

Beyond rigid linear thoughts, you are accessing multidimensional circles, and realizing your healing abilities. Cosmic Circles show you new ways of problem solving by receiving divine love and information.

Cosmic Circles might present as sacred geometry, such as the Vesica Piscis, the Merkaba (Star of David) or a beautiful sphere. They can present as stone circles, crop circles or energetic circles, places with powerful energy vortices. Beyond the linear mind, who thinks that all circles need to be uniform, your heart connects to a variety of beautiful Cosmic Circles.

Sacred circles have been left by the Lemurians and other ancient civilizations. Some are made of stones, and others are made of energies. These circles are part of the New Earth, and they are being activated when you connect to them consciously, so that you can receive sacred light codes.

The crop circles reactivate key points and junctions on the Earth grid of leylines. The ancient circles, which are on the same grid, also reactivate in this process. Visit these interconnected circles, physically or in your light-body, to access ancient temples of Lemuria. These temples bring you back home, to your natural state, which has always been your True Self. They tell about the golden Lemurian age, which is coming back on the New Earth as a permanent state.

In the temples you find Lemurian Light Codes that allow you to travel through space and time. They help to interact with the living Earth in such a way that you always maintain your connection with the Cosmic Circles and the Lemurian Temples. Through this New Earth interaction, you are nurtured in multidimensional ways.

You can see many more Cosmic Circles when you look up in the night sky. Planets orbit in sacred circles around stars, and stars follow greater circles around the center of the galaxy. These are macroscopic equivalents of the sacred circles on Earth. Therefore, the Cosmic Circles on Earth are also communication portals where you can connect to your cosmic family of light, such as Pleiadians, Sirians and Arcturians.

Healing Process: creating a sacred space

(Cosmic Circles is part of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card deck, © Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa)

- Create Sacred Space

- Embrace Unlimited Possibilities

- Circle of Light Family

- Sacred Geometry

“Cosmic Circles raise my vibration and provide an intimate connection with the Earth. On entering a Cosmic Circle in my physical or light-body, I receive instant healing.”

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Cosmic Circles – Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card

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