The Angels want to be with you to give you comfort and direction. You are being asked to surrender your emotions, to hand them over to the angelic realms. There is much grace at work in your life, grace that is not always visible with your third-dimensional eyes. Your life is being directed in divine ways that are mysterious to you, but it has always been this way, from the time you took your first breath. The Angels are omnipresent, and they follow you everywhere you go.
Even in the darkest corner on this Earth, the darkest dungeon, the Angels are. They are silently watching, with love and respect of the free will of every human. Do not think that the Angels can be overpowered, that a shadow can be cast upon them. They simply choose not to intervene, they choose the Divine Plan out of love and respect for all those involved.
The workings of the Universe and the Archangelic realms can be hard to follow from the third dimension. It is not necessary to understand everything, simply know that there is a space where everything is clear, everything is understood in Love. You have been in this space between lifetimes, it is very familiar to you. Because time is an illusion, you are presently in this space beyond all veils as well.
Allow the Angels and Archangels to steer your life, to direct it. You might connect to a particular Angel or a group of angels. Allow names to come to you intuitively, and allow a working relationship to start. This connection is also a healing relationship, more than anything. It is healing you, so that you fully find yourself.
Many search for themselves, for their true self, in the material world. It is not possible to find oneself there, not without a deeper understanding of Ether and Matter. But in the knowledge that everything is born out of light, subtle healing vibrations begin to reach you. Allow these vibrations to reach you now, to comfort you and to guide you.
It is no longer necessary to search for yourself, simply allow yourself to be directed by the Angelic Realms. Then you are like a Christmas present that is being unwrapped by the whole universe, without any effort. This is the secret that we would like to share with you, a secret in the human world but a gift to everyone from the Angels.
Divine Healing is upon you, Divine Grace and Divine Guidance. This is how the universe works, more than laws we call it gifts. There are gifts of Love, no strict rules. When you know where to get the gifts of Love, you will come back for more. Give these gifts to yourself, out of great self-love.
- Divine Healing is upon you
- Divine Grace and Divine Guidance
- Light from the Throne of God
- New Earth
- Inspiration
- Singing
- Mystical unfoldment
- Outpouring love.
“The Angels guide me throughout my life so that I can find my path of light and follow my peaceful and joyous Heart.”
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Angelic Ones
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